frequently asked questions
Some of the most watched programmes on TV these days are lifestyle programmes – gardening and cooking, DIY. Why? Because people like learn new things by watching and listening.
So why not deliver training in the same way?
However walking around holding a 48 inch flat screen TV has its drawbacks the good news is that most people now have a TV in their pocket learning

You don’t! First you throw out registration, coffee breaks, lunch and general chit chat. Then you take out all the other padding and turn the real meat of the training bite sized chunks of video learning.
We added learning points. Imagine a TV programme that teaches you how to boil an egg. It is in four separate parts. At the end of each part you have to demonstrate what you have learnt by answering questions before you can move on to the next piece on information on how to boil your egg.
Yes. One of the biggest annoyances for students is that they take a course and have to wait for a certificate to arrive.
Complete a course and download your certificate there and then.
Not a problem. Students can leave the course at anytime and come back to exactly where they left off. All courses are available 24 / 7 whenever and where ever suits a student’s lifestyle.
Yes. In fact it works on any PC, tablet and 99{59125b5744f247eeada4dda69faa0efe051d50a5f6748bf161a02f79b82d4621} of mobile devices. In fact if you have an IPad you can even sit on your sofa and take a course on your forty eight inch flat screen TV via Apple TV!
Our training courses will actually work on a sheet of paper. Call and we will explain how.
Yes. Not only that we can use your staff of our presenters saving you a lot of expense and time.
The benefits can be staggering in terms of customer engagement. Imagine not only selling a product but showing the customer exactly how to use it! Plus being able to update the information when required.
If by that you mean do we use power point, acres of text that has to be read and odd little cartoon people. No!
Courses are all in video and use real trainers and wherever possible people that have experienced what is being taught. Take our Basic Fire Awareness Training Course.
If you have never experienced a fire how do you know what the effects can be?
Below is a short clip from the course
Other peoples experience is a great learning tool.

- If training at a time that suits the employer and the staff sounds like a good idea?
- If not having to travel or take time off work for training sounds like a good idea?
- If gaining experience that benefits the employer and employee and is fun sounds like a good idea?