Proof adding video to your charities funding bid works

Let’s be honest winning funding for any charity is getting harder. 

What you need is to set yourself apart from the rest.  Stand out in a crowd if you will.  Above is a clip from the video which can be found in our free course.

Video will do that for you and I can prove it having recently done just that for a local charity.  They were applying for funding along with eight other charities.  I put together a short video that showed the work they were doing and used footage from a previous video.

I added a Natalie from the charity who explained and showed what the money would used for and then added two of her clients that were part of the project who explained what they were getting from being involved.  I have added a finished copy of the video to our free course on helping small charities get up to speed with digital which you can see here.

Using video as part of your funding bid works and all you need to get started is the smartphone in your pocket.

Want to know more?  Contact us.